Pagosa Springs, Colorado

“The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden
to work it and take care of it."
-Genesis 2:15
Are you 18-25ish and interested in stepping away from the hustle and bustle of everyday? Maybe taking a couple of months reprieve in the mountains of southern Colorado? Snow Wolf Lodge is looking for interns to work with us and our groups this summer in beautiful Pagosa Springs, CO.
An internship at Snow Wolf Lodge is more than just a summer job; it’s an adventure. We work hard out here, but when we are not working hard we have the opportunity to explore God’s magnificent creation. With everything from mountain climbing, hiking, fly fishing, biking, camping, and so many other outdoor adventures at your back door, there is plenty to occupy your time outside of work. And while you are at work, you’ll be surrounded by the beautiful Winter Hills and an abundance of wildlife.
Working here will give you experience with trade skills, hospitality services, landscaping, and many other areas. These are great skills and experience that will translate into many other vocations and careers, as well as have an impact on your personal experience with home ownership and becoming a responsible adult.
Come and work with us at Snow Wolf Lodge. We are offering a great experience!
This Person:
Has a strong work ethic
Takes instruction well and is responsible to finish their work
Has a positive attitude
Is excited to learn new things
Has a heart for serving others
Has little difficulty lifting up to 50 lbs. regularly
Is at least 18 years of age
Our Internship will offer:
Hands on experience: Who doesn’t like to try new things? Work will include, but is not limited to, plumbing, electrical, landscaping, carpentry, retreat preparations, large group cooking/meal planning
Learning about and understanding the value of work through devoted study and application
Mentoring from people who have been through many of the things you are and will be going through
Picturesque mountain views everyday
Quality time in nature to help experience the presence of God
Time to get out and experience all that the surrounding area has to offer
Application window opens January 1, 2023- deadline to apply is February 3, 2023