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Garrett Schmille
Christian Student Center
Albuquerque, NM


We have been taking a group from our campus ministry in Albuquerque, NM to Pagosa Springs for over 15 years. For years we stayed in hotels and struggled to build community, especially trying to integrate new faces. It was expensive and the visitors always ended up isolated in their private room. In 2011 our traditional ski trip changed dramatically when we found out about the Snow Wolf Lodge. We gave it a shot and never looked back. The Lord has used the community living to build dozens of solid relationships and aid in the salvation of many souls. We cook, eat, lounge, nap, play games, study, worship, bunk, and sled together in a place priced more reasonable than hotels (it's a no brainer). However, the facility is only half the story. Nathan and Shelly, the facility caretakers, love the Lord and demonstrate it through their hospitality and service in His name. Every year we look forward to this trip and thank God for His abundant provisions through the Snow Wolf Lodge.


Scott Snipes
Garland Street Church of Christ
Plainview, TX


Admission:  I often have to fight the urge to keep the existence of this place to myself… but then, I’m moved to share Gods’ spiritual presence here with all that I know.   


Every year, after the fall of the leaves and the coming of the winter, we would journey to Wolf Creek Pass to steal our fills of Ono (if you have to ask…), and in our escape, with sticks strapped to our feet, we’d tumble and slide to our hide-out, in this hidden canyon- Snow Wolf Lodge.  We discovered it years ago- in fact, we were Bob and Bears’ first paying guests (we settled up with Bob- not Bear).  


Now, each season, our church party looks forward to renewing our friendship with the current gatekeepers, Nathan and Shelly, but as gracious hosts do- they greet you with a Brotherly kiss, then leave you to enjoy the peace and beauty of this secret mountain place.  Through these years, we’ve watched the children of our families grow up on its sled-hill while we walked its aspens, and dug through its snows.  We have a sentimental and spiritual connection to this place, as well as its people.  


And when it’s time to go home- without fail, we leave with a knowing that we’ve strengthened our families and our relationship with God.  But then, we also leave with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that we are, in part, helping to continuing God’s work, through Snow Wolf, in the lives of so many young people.  


Bear’s gone now- probably buried under one of the towering Ponderosa Pines… but two things will always remain-  God will continue to soften and strengthen hearts in this place- and you can set your watch by the annual migration of the Garland Street COCs’ heading eight hours north through the southern corridor as the snows begin to fall.

​© 2018 by Summit Ministries

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